Mobile Application Privacy Policy

Last updated on 5/27/2024

  • Personal informations

    When signing up for the app, we ask for your email address. We do not share this information with third parties. It is used solely to log you into the app, and we do not send you spam.

  • Statistics

    Collected data

    • Device brand and model
    • Application version
    • Application language
    • Visited pages
    • IP Address
    • OS version

    Data usage

    We collect usage statistics of the application to improve the user experience. These data are anonymous and are not shared. They are only used to enhance the application and are stored on our servers.

  • Messages

    When you send a message to another user, we temporarily store this message on our servers to transmit it to the other user. Once the message is delivered, it is deleted from our servers and is only visible to the user to whom you sent it.

  • Stored data

    Collected data is stored on our servers. We take all necessary measures to ensure the security of this data. Passwords are encrypted using argon2id according to OWASP recommendations.

  • Data deletion

    You can request the deletion of your data at any time by contacting us through the contact form.